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Guide To ABA Data Collection Methods

AccuPoint Guide to Data Collection

As an ABA clinician, knowing what types of data to collect (and the most effective method of doing so) are crucial when assessing the success of programs. This article is a review of the most common ABA data collection methods and strategies. (We find the first part of this guide useful to share with parents and school personnel as well so that they have an understanding of why data collection matters.) 

Why Is Data Collection Important for ABA Therapists? 

Collecting the most beneficial types of data is a crucial aspect of determining whether a particular ABA therapy program is working effectively. Designing a program that has the best chance of  increasing positive behaviors or decreasing negative behaviors requires identifying specific, measurable pieces of data that can be studied throughout the process to learn about how much, if any, effect the program is having on an individual’s behavior. Strong ABA therapy programs collect multiple types of data over time and adjust strategies throughout the course of the program as more information is learned by studying data patterns.  

Beneficial Data for ABA Therapists to Collect 

The first step in working toward adjusting a behavior is identifying how often the behavior occurs and how long it typically lasts. Collecting this data at the beginning of the program gives Registered Behavior Technicians (RBT), ABA Therapists or the Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) a starting point that can be used to determine whether behavior patterns are changing, especially when working to eliminate negative behaviors.    

Frequency and Duration 

The first step in working toward adjusting a behavior is identifying how often the behavior occurs and how long it typically lasts. Collecting this data at the beginning of the program gives ABA therapists and RBT’s a starting point that can be used to determine whether behavior patterns are changing, especially in the case of working to eliminate negative behaviors.  


Observing how a client typically reacts to verbal cues that are intended to get his or her attention and redirect the behavior allows clinicians to study whether the client is responding appropriately or whether the cue is ineffective. Knowing whether the client follows the cue and how long it takes to do so provides an opportunity to adjust this approach if the cue does not show evidence of successful outcomes.  

ABC (Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence) Data  

Collecting data surrounding what typically occurs immediately before and after a particular behavior provides two types of valuable information. It allows clinicians to identify what may be causing the behavior (the antecedent) and whether the client responds in the desired manner to consequences following the behavior.  

Common Data Collection Methods 

ABA Data Collection Methods

The ABA therapy field evolves consistently and the most common data collection methods are also changing as the technology that is available to ABA therapists improves. 


Simply writing down observations was common in the not-so-distant past, but more sophisticated data collection methods have taken its place in many practices. Many ABA therapy practices currently benefit from integrated data collection software for gathering and storing data. Considering your practice’s unique needs is the most important step in determining which data collection method is a good fit for your facility.  

Pen and Paper 

Collecting data using a pen and paper may be the most traditional method, but it is not the most efficient way for ABA therapists to keep track of information from client sessions. Although writing notes by hand is often considered to be the easiest at the time of data collection, handwritten data has several disadvantages over electronic data storage. Pen and paper data is more difficult to keep organized than digital data, which can cause ABA therapists to waste valuable time searching for a specific form, chart, or other piece of information. This type of data is also easier to lose altogether, can take up a significant amount of space, and may be less secure than electronic data storage methods that adhere to proper online security standards.  

Digital Spreadsheets

Data may also be stored in basic digital formats, such as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and Microsoft Word documents. (Everyone in the field has used a workbook at least once in their career!) Spreadsheets are a helpful tool for keeping multiple types of data in one place, such as occurrences of specific behaviors, times and durations of each occurrence of the behavior, possible reasons for the behavior that was observed, actions that were taken following the behavior, and other relevant clinical information. This type of data collection method is particularly useful for identifying patterns of a particular behavior over time. 


Creating digital spreadsheets instead of handwritten ones makes adding information over time or otherwise editing client or practice spreadsheets easier. This method is also simpler to organize than handwritten files, and being able to quickly access information from anywhere increases efficiency. Password protected digital files also increases an ABA clinician’s ability to keep confidential client information secure, although additional steps need to be taken to back up files to prevent accidentally deleting important information.    

Electronic Data Collection Software 

Data collection software expands upon the advantages of choosing basic digital data storage over pen and paper data collection. Data collection software programs, particularly those that are specifically designed for use in the ABA therapy field, offer a variety of features that make keeping all the information you need at your fingertips. Rather than having to keep track of where specific information is within Excel, Word, and other basic programs, choosing electronic data collection software is an efficient way to store all your data in one place. If your data collection platform integrates with your practice management and billing software (hey, have we mentioned that Catalyst integrates with AccuPoint?) the amount of time your clinicians spend on admin tasks decreases dramatically. 


As an ABA professional, you want to keep current on industry technology which allows you to provide the best service possible for your clients. Switching to an electronic data collection software program is a simple way for ABA therapists to keep up with the most innovative advances within the field to keep their practices competitive by gathering more data during client work, keeping it better organized, using tools to graph and report on progress, updating SOAP notes, and more. The most important piece of the puzzle? Having your clinicians spend their time with the people who matter most: your clients. 

Catalyst is an Innovative and Convenient Data Collection Method 

 Although you have several options for recording and saving your observations, utilizing a comprehensive data collection software that is designed for ABA therapists, such as Catalyst, is the most efficient option for most ABA therapy practices in 2021.   


At AccuPoint, we are proud to offer the most innovative digital tools available to ABA therapists to help them manage their practices competitively. We know that both the ABA field and the types of technology that are available across every industry are constantly evolving, and we strive to help you use top-notch technology to improve your practice. Catalyst, the industry’s most comprehensive ABA data collection software program, is an all-in-one solution that provides a highly-flexible place to collect and store a variety of types of data.  


Every ABA therapy practice is unique, and the basic data collection method that works well for your colleague may not be the best fit for you. Being able to customize your tools to meet your individual needs goes a long way toward maximizing the organization, efficiency, and potential of your practice, and Catalyst includes dozens of specifications that can be adjusted to best align with your needs. By clearly defining your own mastery criteria, such as identifying a particular number of trials to be conducted or target percentages before starting to collect data, you can progress through your data collection with a better idea of whether your client is on track to meet your goals.  

Advanced Graphing

Catalyst's powerful graphing features

Graphs and charts provide ABA therapists, as well as anyone else involved in the process, with at-a-glance information about whether your client is progressing at your target rate. Utilizing graphs is much quicker and easier to understand than reading through pages of numerical data, and Catalyst provides the most advanced ABA graphing engine in the world. Our graphs hold up to twenty dimensions of data, which provides therapists with a bigger picture that includes in-depth information about both significant and minor effects on each client’s progress.  

Compatibility With Practice Management Software 

AccuPoint and catalyst

At AccuPoint, we are proud to connect our clients with the best practice management software available to ABA therapists, and choosing a data collection software program that pairs well with your billing, scheduling, payroll, and other programs is an important step in creating an organized and competitive ABA therapy practice. Each client you work with is unique, and being able to customize your data collection method to meet unique needs can go a long way toward helping you meet your goals for each individual. Catalyst’s wide array of features make it the perfect choice for any ABA therapist that is searching for data collection software, and it is a strong addition to our regular practice management software. 


Contact us today to schedule a demo of Catalyst or our other services!    

The Ultimate ABA Data Collection Software

Catalyst integrates seamlessly with AccuPoint practice management software. Therapists can be in the field taking and analyzing data within minutes.

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